Oral Prep Workshops & Mock Orals 2025
The Irish oral exam accounts for a MASSIVE 40% of your total marks. The French and Spanish oral exam accounts for 25% of your total marks in honours. Get the most out of your oral marks ahead of the written exam in June!
DSA Mock Orals and Preparatory Workshops will run ahead of the real orals which run during Easter holidays. Students can use this opportunity to practice their oral skills with a State Examiner one last time before the real oral exams. Examined by fully qualified, Garda vetted teachers, students will enter an oral exam with the exact set up and structure as the Leaving Certificate examination.
This is the perfect chance for students to boost their confidence, improve on their language skills ahead of the real exam and get rid of the fear factor.
Please Note: We also offer grinds in Irish, French and Spanish throughout the year and Easter Revision Courses in all subjects.

Now taking bookings for our Mock Oral slots with State Examiners.
15 minute one-to-one oral exam.
10 minutes of detailed feedback.
Written feedback.
Voice recording of the exam so students can re-listen & improve on their language skills.
Saturday March 22nd- Irish FULL
Wednesday March 26th- Irish
Saturday March 22nd- French & Spanish FULL
Wednesday March 26th- French & Spanish
Slots start at 9.30am and run through the day until 5.30pm.
Extremely limited spaces for these Mock Orals.
Irish Oral Preparatory Course with a State Examiner
Saturday March 8th 2025 9.30am-3pm
Irish Oral Preparatory Course run by an Irish State Examiner.
-Mé féin/Myself
-Mo Chlann/My family
-Mo Theach & Mo Cheantar/My House & Area
-Mo Scoil/My School
-Mo Chaitheamh Aimsire/My Hobbies
-Mo Laethanta Saoire/My Holidays
-Mo Dheireadh Seachtaine/My Weekend
-Cúrsaí Reatha/Current Events
-Overview of the Sraith Pictiúr
Fees are non-refundable. There is no allowance for absenteeism.

French Oral Preparatory Course with a State Examiner
Saturday March 15th 2025 9.30am-3pm
French Oral Preparatory Course run by a French State Examiner.
Topics covered:
-French Oral Layout/ Marks
-Tips to maximise marks
-Moi- Meme Et Ma Famille
-Mon Quartier/ Les Problemes Sociaux
-Les Passe- Temps/ Loisirs/ Son Bien- Etre
-L’Ecole Et Les Etudes/ Le System D’Education
-L’Annee Prochaine/ Choix De Metier
-Use of digital tools to improve pronunciation & listening skills
Fees are non-refundable. There is no allowance for absenteeism.

Spanish Oral Preparatory Course with a State Examiner
Saturday March 15th 2024 9.30am-3pm
Spanish Oral Preparatory Course run by a State Examiner.
Topics covered:
Spanish Oral Layout/ Marks
Tips to maximise marks
Yo/Mi familia/Mis amigos
Mi rutina diaria
Mi casa
Donde vivo
Mis estudios
Pasatiempos (deportes/ música/ la tele/ el cine/ moda etc)
Vacaciones (pasado y futuro)
El futuro (universidad, el verano, trabajo ideal)
Trabajo y dinero
Role Play
Fees are non-refundable. There is no allowance for absenteeism.